Wedding 1923: Nicky Ibe


For the first time in ... ever I actually had makeup on going for a wedding gig (I am so happy with myself about that. Had to wake up 2 hours earlier than I needed just so I could get the makeup done to my satisfaction, lol). That will come in another post though but I just had to say it first.
I had the pleasure of doing Nicky's wedding makeup 2 weeks ago. She was an unusual bride as I mentioned on twitter that day. She bought everything she wanted used on her and I was a bit unsure at first as it was my first time encountering that.

Well, I used her foundation and powder only and every other thing was from my kit. She had lovely skin and the look was simple and glowy (she had earlier in the week referred me to a video by Jennie Jenkins so I had something to go on)

The hotel lighting was really poor but I managed to sneak out these pics
the hair stylist didn't show up so she did her hair herself. She wanted soft wavy hair. I was a bit worried at first but she assured me that she could handle it herself and she did a good job of it.
she wanted super thin brows
Right after dressing up before final touch-up.
She loved the look and didn't mind the hint of a smokey crease I did.
Congratulations Nicky! Thank you for making me a part of your big day

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